Sunday, March 2, 2008

Learn The Guitar Online - 3 Reasons It's Better Then Private Lessons

By []Ian Henman

There is a stigma attached to learning the guitar online that you cannot get the same quality of education from a website or video as you can from private lessons. While this might be true in some circumstances, I believe that there are obvious benefits to those that choose to learn the guitar online and it goes deeper then just the quality of guitar lessons taught.

1.) When you take private guitar lessons you normally purchase lessons in a set (i.e. 6 or 8 weeks of lessons for a set price) or pay per lesson. Which ever way you look at it you end up paying between $10 and $20 per lesson. Should you need a refersher on something you've already learned your teacher must take part of that $20 lesson and reteach you something he/she has already done before. There by reducing the value of the current lesson.

When you learn the guitar online the lessons are videos and files. They can be reviewed and rewatched at no extra charge to you as often and when ever you want.

2.) I know I've take private guitar lessons before, and I didn't always have the time to practice. Sometimes work, family or friends had to come before I could sit down with my guitar for a half hour each day. The result? I wasn't always prepared for the next weeks lesson when I showed up, yet I still had to pay for the time. I didn't get the most value from that guitar lesson had I practiced the week before.

When enrolled in online guitar lessons there is no teacher checking there watch to make sure you're on time or that you've done your home work. If you don't have the time to practice for a few days, just take a break from you lessons. There isn't any lost cost or time to you. you are in charge of when and how fast your learn the guitar online.

3.) Cost has to be considered, especially since everything is getting more expensive around us. Let's take the example above of $10 per lesson, and assume four lessons of a half hour each per month. That means you pay $40 per month for 2 hours of lesson time. In contrast most online guitar lesson memberships charge under $30 for unlimited access to thousands of minutes of lessons. The value for your dollar is much greater when you learn to play the guitar online.

To learn more about [ ]video guitar lessons, visit a popular website that helps beginner guitar players choose the best method to [ ]learn to play guitar.

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